

What is telehealth and how does it work?

Telehealth is a form of meeting that takes the place of in person sessions. Rosehip uses a HIPAA compliant service of Google Meets. All you need to do is download the free Google Meets app. Google Meets is a telehealth platform that allows you to see your therapist through a device such as your phone or computer.


How does telehealth work?

Telehealth uses video and audio to connect with your therapist

How do I get on to my session?

You will receive a link from your therapist (via email) that will allow you to access the call, the time of your appointment. All you have to do is click the link!

How is it different than in person?

Your therapist will send you some additional forms to sign prior to meeting. You will not be meeting in person. You will be meeting from the comfort of your own home! The session length is the same, 50 minutes long. The structure of the session is the same

What do I need?

All you need is your device, wifi, and a quiet place.

I have a pet, is it okay if they are in the video?

Yes, your pet is welcome to join the call unless they may be a distraction. Try to limit distractions as much as possible!

Schedule a free phone/video consultation today!